1. We believe in the Holy, Inspired, Infallible, Word of God.
2. The Incarnation and Virgin Birth of Jesus, the Christ.
3. The Vicarious Death and Atoning Blood of Jesus, the Christ.
4. The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus, the Christ.
5. The Salvation, by the Grace of God, of any sinner who personally
repents of his sin and trusts in the death and shed blood of Jesus,
the Christ, as the Only way of salvation from sin.
6. The Second Coming of Jesus, The Christ.
7. The bodily resurrection of all the redeemed of God and the
triumphant reign of Jesus, The Christ, over all things forever.
8. The autonomy and independence of each local church.
9. The cooperation with other like-minded churches to preach
the Gospel to every creature.
10. The personal stewardship of time, opportunity, energy, influence,
and material possessions of every person, and the personal accountability
to God for such stewardship.
11. The existence of an Eternal Heaven for all the Redeemed,
and the existence of an Eternal Hell for all the Condemned.